Strange weather today. Almost hurricane or tropical storm like but it came at us from Tennessee rather than the southern Atlantic. And it is warm. Up over 60 degrees F. Yesterday morning when I went out to feed the rabbits, it was only 26 degrees F. A bit of a deviation, eh? We're having buckets of rain with flash flooding, high winds of 50-60 mph and now the thunder has started. Very strange for the end of October. Of course, when they first announced that this storm was headed our way, they called for snow instead of rain. Guess we got lucky there.
I have been exhausted all week. I've been dragging myself to work and then fighting not to fall asleep at my desk. I don't know if I'm fighting off a cold or the flu or if this is just the result of the two previous busy weekends. My legs have been like rubber all week too. I usually take about a mile walk at lunch time and I haven't had the strength to do that this week. I have a stuffy nose and a bit of a sore throat. And my GOD it's HOT IN HERE! I could have a fever too. I woke at my usual weekday time of 4:00am today thanks to various cats and Ms. Bailey. They do not understand the concept of sleeping late on the weekends. I did a few odds and ends and then fell back asleep at 10:30 this morning. Woke up coughing and I thought I was melting I was so hot. Yeah, I guess I might be sick.
I'm giving myself today to get over this. I don't have time to be sick. I took a shower and I chose to get into sweatpants and a tee shirt, which is strange for me. Normally on the weekends I am showered, fully dressed with makeup and jewelry by 8:00am at the latest. This is out of nature for me to still be lounging at 2:00pm.
I had a second interview yesterday for one of the jobs in the department where I am a temp. I also received a call and an appointment was set up for Monday with the big manager to speak with me. I think it looks good that I will get a permanent job there. It's not the job that I had initially wanted, but the more I hear about it, the better I think I'll like it. Out of the 3 jobs I bid on there, this one is the lowest paying but it also is the least amount of stress with very little deviation in hours or overtime. I really don't want to work OT unless it's absolutely necessary. I have enough to do here what with guild meetings, spinning and knitting groups, orders for the business to fill and animals to feed.
I'm spinning some Louet Merino/Silk blend in Glacial Green. It's a light, pale green. I haven't decided what I want to do with it, but I just needed to spin something this morning rather that trying to concentrate on a knitting pattern. My brain is a bit cloudy today.
My Louet order came in this week but more than half of the Northern Lights was on back order. We've suddenly been selling quite a bit of it and I'm disappointed that I didn't receive it. Please be patient if you are looking for some of it on our site.
Oh, dear. The wind is now howling outside. Very creepy sounding. The trees are virtually leafless. I suppose if I must feel ill, today is a good day to stay inside. I'm going to try to get some more spinning done before the fever climbs again.
Stay safe.