Steve spent most of last week in the hospital. He had to go in on Monday (2/5) for a lung biopsy. We've had a very stressful few weeks. The pulmonary specialist had originally diagnosed him with IPF. It's a serious lung disease that is usually fatal within 3-5 years. He had the biopsy on Monday, but because they open the chest, he had a chest tube in draining the goo. He came home on Thursday. We had our fingers crossed.
The diagnosis is now DIP (same link as above). Don't ask me the name of the disease, I can't pronounce it. But it's not as serious as originally thought. Basically, he has a chronic inflammation in his lungs caused by years of cigarette smoking. If left untreated, it could have progressed to the more serious IPF (something Pulmonary Fibrosis). For treatment, he has to be on steroids for an undetermined amount of time to reduce the inflammation. He also has to check his blood sugar 3 times a day. Evidentially the steroids cause blood sugar to spike. So far so good. We are very thankful that he has a chance now.
He has to stay home all this week to recuperate. He has three small holes on right side. Two from the procedure and one from the chest tube. His color is much better and he is taking deeper breaths. He says he still has the urge to smoke, but he has finally realized that he can't do it.
Work has been busy which is good. It helped to take my mind off of Steve while he was in the hospital.
Bunnies are good, but stinky. Yes, they are still in the house. The propane company is coming out on Friday to install the heater in the shed for them. The town inspector will come out to inspect on Tuesday and if he approves, the propane company will hook up the gas on Tuesday afternoon and we will have a warm shed that night. The bunnies will be back out there Tuesday night.
We are currently having an ice storm. We only have a few inches of snow, but now everything is coated in ice. The wind is supposed to pick up tonight. Great.