Sunday, June 11, 2006

Where does the time go? I really need to take a few days or a week off to get things done around here. But that means I lose money. I'm a temp worker so I'm not paid if I'm not in the office. But still...There is so much I have to get done and not enough time to do it all on the weekends!

IT'S NOT RAINING! I'm so excited to see the sun this morning. Everywhere outside are mushrooms, slugs, algae, and slime. We have had rain for weeks now, inches and inches of it. I still have about $200 worth of annuals and perennials to plant. I know I won't get them all in today. I at least want to get my containers and flower boxes done. It's also been very cool almost cold. So far today it's only about 50 degrees F with the overnight temperature down in the 40's. There is also a good, stiff breeze. It should help to dry out everything.

Blasted caterpillars have taken over. They parachute from the trees onto everything. I even found one in my bed under the covers! It must have hitched a ride in on my clothes.

Back to business. I've come up with a name-Pine Brook Fiber Studio, the new home of Wild and Wooly Fibers. Pretty snazzy for a shed, eh? Today I have to enlist the help of Steve and the kids to move in a couple of more tables and my loom out there. I still have some inventory in the room formerly know as a dining room. That should all go out to the Studio too. Steve hooked up a couple of fluorescent lights out there this week so I can go out in the wee hours of the morning to feed the bunnies and pull stock for orders.

The bunnies are thriving! I had to separate Henry and Loretta this week. No there wasn't any funny business as Henry is still too young, but Loretta was dominating him. She was nipping his back and generally being annoying. Maybe she is ready for a little action? Poor little fellow couldn't eat or rest. She made a mess out of his fur and I had to cut out a bunch of knots on his back. He has his own cage now and he is much happier and friendlier. Frau Ruby is still very cautious and somewhat leery of me. She is getting better, but still rather aloof and stand-offish. I had to buy some chew toys for her as she is gnawing on the beautiful (and expensive) cedar hutch we bought her. Ms. Eloise is still the Grand Dame and she rules the Studio. I just had her out of her cage for a long while this morning. She was hopping, jumping and running all over the place. She wasn't too happy with me when I finally caught her to put her back in the cage. She gave me a very loud warning thump, just to remind who is boss. I would expect nothing less of her.

The acceptance of charge cards seems to have increased sales slightly. I just have to keep track of all the debits and credit hitting my account. I get a service fee from the merchant sales company for every sale. It's a lot of transactions to watch over.

I haven't ordered any new items recently. I'm unsure as to what direction I want to take for the future. Currently there is a lot of interest in sock, lace and fingering weight yarns. I don't carry novelty yarns so I don't have an idea of those sales. It seems people are now expanding and more and more, I read about people dyeing and creating their own unique yarns. I have a few of the Gaywool dyes in inventory, but their hasn't really been an interest in them. I'm considering just discontinuing them and either selling the stock to friends or just keep it for myself. There are good dye companies out there, people are just going elsewhere. My other option is to find a less expensive dye and offer it. I have made up my mind yet. I can't afford to invest a lot of money to buy a full spectrum of colors offered by the chemical companies and I hate to second guess which colors will sell.

Opinions and suggestions are welcome. Email me.
