Sunday, January 07, 2007

Very strange weather patterns this year. Record warm recorded at the airport yesterday, 72 degrees F. We have moths flying around the porch light and numerous robins running about the yard. This is not good. I worry what the lack of the snow ground cover will do to the water table. I'm always worried about our well running dry. Animals that should be hibernating are awake. The insects are out. The trees here have not started to bud, but I'm sure they are thinking about it. This weird weather will affect the maple syrup collection too as that requires a certain amount of cold temperatures before the sap starts to run. We are having a January thaw before we had a good thorough freeze. The ponds have not frozen yet and I'm certain that the peeper frogs will awake too early.

Next weekend is a long one for us as our company now closes for Martin Luther King Day. I really need to jump into the paperwork for the business. State taxes are due at the end of the month. We haven't had many CT sales as we are strictly internet based, but I still need to report and pay them.

We still have to take down our Christmas tree today. That's only about a 15 minute job for us since we bought the artificial one about 6 years ago. I did all the other decorations down yesterday, well, except for the wreath on the front door. I never know what kind of winter decoration to put there after the holiday. We need something colorful what with the drab gray landscape of the season. I would put a small quilt there, but the western sun would mercilessly fade if in short order.

Today is St. Distaff's Day. It is the first day after the end of the Christmas season (yesterday was the Epiphany) and it was the day that women returned to their spinning. You can read about it here. Today I need to do the usual chores of grocery shopping, feed store shopping, laundry, bunny hutch cleaning, order processing and general house cleaning. In addition, I want to finish the mittens I am knitting for the woman in my department and in celebration of St Distaff, I want to spin more on Prudence.

I guess I had better get off of this computer and start to work. Happy day!


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