Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A Day Off

I decided to stay home from work today. I had an outpatient medical procedure done yesterday and I think I want to be a baby and take today off too. It was nothing serious. Since I have had cancer before, the doctors keep after me to get things done when they say they must be done.

So, what shall I do today?

I have all sorts of tasks that I need to get done that I never have time to do on the weekends. I have phone calls that I need to make for Dad's estate. Not that he owned anything, but there is still SO much paper work to be filed. I have phone calls that need to be made and I don't like making them from work. The walls have ears.

I really need to organize, file or shread the mountains of papers that are growing with the business and personal issues here. There is so much, a bond fire might be needed instead of the shreader.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a fiber blog. Enough of my rambling about everything else.

I have a few questions to pose to any fiber readers out there. First, what do you think about Cascade Yarns? I finally received a phone call from one of their sale representative a couple of weeks ago. Is there any interest in this line of yarns?

Also is there a need for us to offer regular credit card sales instead of Paypal? We are just wondering if we are missing many sales because we don't currently have this option. There are quite a few fees involved with this for us and we just don't know if it's worth it.

I decided to make the trek up to the NH show this weekend. The gang is leaving Salem (CT) around 5:30am to get up there shortly after the gates open. I received a note from Donna at This and That Farm in VT that she has a fleece from the same ewe as the one I bought from her last year. It's gorgeous! Pure white and very, very clean as the animal was coated. It's as soft as butter. There is a great deal of lanolin still in the wool however. It feels strange to spin in the grease, but it really helped my dry fingers and cuticles. Kat Smith of Stonesthrow Farm in VT also has great fleeces, often they are the winners at the fleece contest. If you attend the NH show and want to buy an entire fleece, check out these two vendors. Their stuff is great.

I'm thinking of bagging up more fleece for sale. I have sold out of the Merino/Cheviot/Corriedale mix that I had bagged up for the CT Show. Is anyone interested in this concept? I figure an entire fleece is overwhelming to a new spinner. But smaller packages introduces the spinner to the wool without the big headache and storage space required for the entire fleece. Besides, the small bags are easier to sneak in the house and hide from your partner.

The landscaping crew has been here on and off all day. They have brought in fill to level the area for the shed/barn/studio. They will top of the dirt with crushed stone so the shed will be stable.

If I behave and finish my chores, I might even get some knitting done today.



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