Tuesday, May 02, 2006


We finally have the building permit. Steve went to Carefree and put the deposit down for our shed/small barn/studio structure. We should have it in place sometime before the end of the month. I don't know really what to call it. It's going to be a VERY BIG shed or a very small barn. It's 12x20'. To give you a perspective of that, our house is only 26' long. We live in a very tiny Cape, that's why we need this building. We have fiber or fiber related tools and equipment in every room except the upstairs bathroom. It's a good thing that our son Ryan is still at college. There is fleece spread out on the floor of his bedroom!

To keep all of our Louet, Bartlett and handpainted skeins clean, we secure them in plastic bags inside of huge Rubbermaid tubs. We have more of these tubs(16-20) than you can imagine stacked in the room formerly know as the dining room. It's going to seem strange to actually have room to walk around in this house.

The only problem will come when we get an overnight order such as today. It's 4:49AM and I have already boxed up an order for shipment today. Steve gets the postage labels printed. I do all of the wrapping of the items. When we get the shed, we will have plenty of room to work (without cats!) but there won't be any electricity out there. We haven't figured out a solution to that yet.

I just want to explain to everyone out there that has received an order from us. I have tape issues! Yes, I know your box was most likely covered in packing tape. I cannot for the life of me, handle that #%$@* packing tape! I generally end up using too much of it and it is wrinkled an uneven. The tape sticks to me, the table, a cat, the side of box, etc. My tape issues are a never ending source of amusement of Steve. I really HATE that packing tape.

I also wanted to mention that Steve and I work full time jobs (40+hrs a week each) in addition to running this business. That is why when you call our toll free number, you have to leave a message-we're probably at work. Our phone bank for the toll free number is actually in California! The wonders of modern technology. It notifies us when we have a message. We used to just give out our home phone number for the business. We had to stop that after we received a phone call at 2:00am asking about knitting needles.

Speaking of work, it's time to get ready for the day. I must make lunches and get myself out the door by 6:30am! Have a good day everyone!



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